Taking your baby home from the hospital
Oh my goodness, we are going to have a baby! Now, what do we need to pack for the hospital?! I was surprised how many things the hospital provides for a newborn baby. They actually have everything that is essential: diapers, wipes, swaddle blanket, onesies, cap, formula, pacifiers, etc. So, that begs the questions, what do you need to pack? You need to have a car seat! And I would recommend that you know how to use your car seat. That sounds obvious, but car seats are tricky little things.
Despite taking the 4 hour hospital class on properly installing the car seat, we weren’t able to leave the hospital because we didn’t know how to get our son into his seat. After a lengthy phone tutorial from the associate at BuyBuyBaby, we finally figured it out. Not the best start to our parenting journey. You also need a take home outfit…with legs. Again, something I didn’t foresee when I chose the perfect little blue gown. You cannot safely put a gowned baby into a car seat.
Ok, so then what is good to have at the hospital? If you are particular about things, as most new parents are, then you may want other clothes for the baby to wear while in the hospital, muslin baby blankets, different pacifiers, a phone AND charger, camera, and whatever else will make you more comfortable. You just need to be prepared for your ability to love to grow exponentially.